Living And Providing Support For A Person With Dysautonomia


With an autoimmune disorder, something within our body causes an abnormal reaction in our immune system, in essence, causing our immune system to fight the body itself. — Linda Walter LCSW

The challenge of living with a sick person who depends on you for their care is very stressful such as in the case of patients with dysautonomia. These patients suffer from a number of symptoms which can greatly affect or even impair their activities of daily living. It can include but is not limited to orthostatic hypotension or a sudden drop in blood pressure, and incontinence or sexual dysfunction. One of the most common causes of autonomic dysfunction is actually diabetes mellitus.

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How Are Dysautonomias Treated?



Illness is scary and forces them to deal with uncertainty, a lack of control, surrendering to doctors, and the reality that life is finite. — Tamara McClintock Greenberg Psy.D.

Dysautonomia disorders can be horrible to endure. Characterized by some very challenging symptoms ranging from nausea, problems with breathing, balance, speech and even eyesight, it is clear how these disorders can make daily living extremely difficult. Unfortunately, for the majority of dysautonomia disorders, there is no cure. Even more, there is such a broad array of types of dysautonomia and the symptoms involved in each one vary that there is also no universal treatment for dysautonomia. However, there are ways that the symptoms of different types of dysautonomia can be treated to improve quality of life. A number of ways to manage the symptoms of the more well-known dysautonomias described on our other page {What are the different types of dysautonomias} are outlined below:

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How To Keep Your Mood Up When Living With A Dysautonomia Disorder


Dysautonomia disorders can be crippling and place numerous restrictions on your life. Understandably, living with a dysautonomia can be exhausting, confusing, frustrating and even demoralizing. It can often lead to mental health concerns such as anxiety or depression. Following diagnosis, often, you are left feeling overwhelmed and as though life will never be normal again.

You are well enough to be interested enough in the world around you such that you don’t long for sleep, but your brain and your limbs – Bambi-like – are tentative and trembly as you go about your business. — Katie Willard Virant MSW, JD, LCSW

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Rare Medical Diseases

The person in your body drags herself to the end of the work day, manages to pour a bowl of cereal for dinner, and leaves the bowl in the sink because washing it feels overwhelming. — Katie Willard Virant MSW, JD, LCSW

Strangely, in this world we live in today, we are faced with a mountain of diseases and illnesses that can plague our doors. You wouldn’t think there would be many rare medical diseases and yet there are quite a few; some are rarer than others but they can all be quite severe at times. It’s a scary world we do live in and sometimes, even with the advances in medicine, it’s not enough. There are still a lot of challenges that our health needs help with. The following are just a few rare medical diseases and hopefully, you will never have to know any more about them than absolutely necessary.

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